
Forms that employers will need as well as sample contract language may be found here.

Contract Language
Please review the sample contract language to ensure your Collective Bargaining Agreements include the necessary language on collection.

If your contracts to not include all of the necessary collection language, please be sure to have your employers execute a Subscription Agreement in the "Forms" section to the left (which may be filled in on-line and printed) for each Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Assistance for your members
If your members have questions about their Flex Plan Account or how to get the most out of the benefits offered through the Flex Plan, please have them call our Member Services Department at 888/353-9401 (Monday through Friday) between 7:30am-5:00pm PST. Only Flex Plan representatives should provide information to members regarding benefits offered through the Flex Plan.

Call us for free from anywhere in the world...
You may now reach the Flex Plan from anywhere in the world for free using Skype through the Contact Us page. Our skype name is flexplan.com