Entertainment Industry Flex Plan

Important Dates
  • 08/19/2024

    Projected September eligibility billing date

  • 08/31/2024

    Payments for September eligibility must be made by 03:00 pm PT

  • 09/02/2024

    Office closed for Labor Day

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Important Dates
  • 12/31/2024

    Open Enrollment Ends

  • 01/17/2025

    Projected February eligibility billing date

  • 01/20/2025

    Office closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

  • 01/31/2025

    Payments for February eligibility due by 03:00 pm PT

Useful Info

How to set up your account

Anyone who is considering or is already covered by an Exchange or Individual Policy should review this information first.

If you plan to Upload or Fax your Claims

Checking to see if we have received a document?

Sign-up for your Telemedicine Benefit before you need it


The Entertainment Industry Flex Plan was created in 1985 to provide benefit solutions for Union Members in the Entertainment Industry. During this lengthy period of time, we have evolved to represent many affiliations of Unions throughout the United States and more than 33,000 members. As a result, we have learned and therefore refined what we do to continually improve service to our membership.

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